Kurt Masur Centennial


Kurt Masur Centennial

Special Collaboration

Special Collaboration

“Kurt Masur succeeded in promoting democracy and humanity in a truly marvellous way. Through music, he touched people’s hearts. We cannot commemorate this power enough! The International Kurt Masur Institute and the Kurt Masur Centennial are striving to ensure that his values are carried into the future.
Burkhard Jung, Lord Mayor of Leipzig
“Kurt Masur was always an artist who orientated himself towards everyday life, and who considered it his special mission and purpose to encourage others to take joint responsibility for our time and for our world. When we celebrate his 100th birthday in 2027, his motto ‘Through the power of music’ should resonate far into the future”
Tomoko Masur
Stefana Atlas
Managing Director
Samantha Scully
Managing Director
Laura Vivio
Artist Manager

Kurt Masur Centennial

"Through the power of music!" This was the self-formulated creed of Kurt Masur's life. He was driven by the conviction that, through the power of music in particular, people have the ability to shape society in a positive way, laying the foundations for a humane civil society based on mutual respect. Born in 1927 in Brzeg, near Wroclaw, Kurt Masur was not only an influential personality in Germany, but up until his death in December 2015 he was also active as a global citizen and as an ambassador of cultural and social values. Kurt Masur set new benchmarks in the preparation and rendition of orchestral works, as well as in training of young musicians, and he offered guidance on matters relating to social cohesion.

Through his integrity and his powers of persuasion, Kurt Masur became a central figure in the Peaceful Revolution of 1989, whilst his global activities turned him into an internationally acclaimed and esteemed ambassador for Germany and one of the most important personalities in music and culture in the 20th century.

With the foundation of the International Kurt Masur Institute in 2016, the city of Leipzig took the first step towards bringing Kurt Masur to the fore as a role model for the formation and development of a free, valued-orientated society. To mark his 100th birthday in 2027, national and international partners are collaborating with the International Kurt Masur Institute and with other institutions in Leipzig to organize concerts, masterclasses, symposia, exhibitions and various educational projects relating to social and cultural topics, with the aim of propelling Kurt Masur's vitalizing message into the future with renewed energy.

Concerts, masterclasses, exhibitions, educational projects - you too can be inspired by Kurt Masur's works and take part in the centennial through a range or social and cultural events. Do you have any memories, pictures or anecdotes related to Kurt Masur that you would like to share with us? Or would you like to support the numerous ambitious projects planned for the centennial year as our partner? Then please get in touch - we look forward to hearing from you!

Arabella Arts is proud to partner with The Kurt Masur Institute Leipzig and The Kurt Masur Centennial GMBH in producing The Kurt Masur Centennial worldwide.

Stefana Atlas
Managing Director
Samantha Scully
Managing Director
Laura Vivio
Artist Manager
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